
Friday, September 19, 2014

spinny spin spin!

have been testing out my new-to-me louet spinning wheel. This is causing me a great amount of excitement. Like that my life is perfect!  Whoa, doesn't take much, does it. Heh. I have only spun wool on drop spindles up until this point, so having a wheel certainly is opening up some new doors in my imagination.
I decided I would see what I would have to figure out and study in order to create various types of yarns. These tests are just that, imperfect amounts of yarn for me to learn from. 
I started first making a single yarn. No plying in this first one. 
This is a small amount of alpaca wool single, slightly fulled and knit. 
I am in the parking lot of the ballet studio waiting for my kids, thus the photo quality is meh. 

The next one I tried was a 2 ply. I created a two tone yarn, as you can see in it's knit form. 
Here is a close up:

This is very similar to what I would make using a drop spindle. The next 3 examples are made so much easier with a wheel!  The 3 ply turned out better than when I ply using a drop spindle. I have both my hands available to ensure things aren't getting twisted up. 
A close up of this one:
This next 3 ply is made with one single where the above example uses 3 singles. The Navajo 3 ply is super easy to do with the wheel. When I made this type on the drop spindle I did it "on the fly". This is way better. 
Sorry for the terrible photo. I can't help it. 
The final example is a Navajo 4ply!  I have never done this before, but with the wheel was really easy. This is what I am most excited about and I am sure I will do a whole post on the topic!
One more close up:

There you have it!  Now to make a bunch of stuff until my fingers hurt. Yay me!

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