
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

UFO rehab

I have a skill. A talent that is incomparable to other gifts one can be bestowed.

I don't finish what I start.

Yes, I am really good at "trying new things", or seeing a knitting pattern that I MUST do becasue "ohhh, look at how pretty it is! I want one just like this, just in different colours".

While I joke about this affliction skill, it actually does help me to learn all the techniques I should know in my spinning, knitting, crochet, etc etc. And while this seems like I have millions of unfinished objects (what I tenderly refer to as UFOs), I am also structured enough to actually finish them all...eventually. I have second sock syndrome. I have large-item completion complex. I have boredome-overtook-me disorder. To counter all these ailments though, I do have a scheduling obsession. Strict rehab. I allow myself to start a new project whenever i want...But I always schedule myself time to work on two UFOs with one "newbie". AT ALL TIMES.

This allows to to try something new (sometimes even finish it),and work on "old" stuff (sometimes even finish it).

Right now, in my bag, I have a vest I started 2 years ago that is now 50% complete (it was at 10% complete on Monday), a mitten for my sister (did I mention that second sock syndrome is closely disagnosed with half warm mitten malady?), and I am spinning wool on my "pretty sister" spindle for a sweater I want to make. I imagine next week I will switch up my bag...and maybe there will be something new in there!


  1. Obviously, you are a constant learner.... that's a great skill! B-)

    1. Thanks Viv! It is nice to have you around teaching me all kinds of stuff to get addicted to!
